Wednesday, November 7, 2007

WGA Strikes Again...I'm having way too much fun with the puns on "Strike"

I rolled into the studios past the picketers again today. It’s kind of annoying to drive around them but is spices up the day a bit. I thought about having one of my assistants set up a cappuccino stand next to them to earn the studio a little more revenue but decided against it. We have to keep up our relationship with these people because they keep the business running. We send food and drinks out all day long and keep feeding them all the Hollywood Trades so they can keep up on the non-business that’s going on in the business right now.

I truly feel that we are the only studio actually doing any work now. I heard Paramount and some of the others were doing some housekeeping chores to keep busy. You know just the old magic Hollywood accountant cooking the books to try and figure out how they can lower back profits off of streaming online content more once the strike ends. I’ve always been of the school of thought that if someone makes you money you better damn well pay them what they deserve.

We were the first studio to start streaming our content online. We saw the digital age coming before Steve Jobs did. That was a joke, Steve. You know what’s sweet about being rich? Apple personally made me a computer where the studios name lights upon the back like the Apple does. I tried to get them to do one with my penis but they said that it looked too much like the twig of the apple so we just left it at that.

I would like to take a quick second to address the irony of extremely rich writers holding up three dollar picket signs attached to popsicle sticks. Now, I know that not every writer in Hollywood is rich, and many of the poorer ones are out there picketing to get the guys that keep taking their jobs more money. But I counted five people I’ve written checks out to that contain quite a few zeros. We have eight people in front of the studio in options deals right now. You wouldn’t believe the number of calls I’ve received from writers who picket in the day and want to keep their writing project going at night. Disloyal bastards. I’m not that much of a dick to make them do that. Well…….I’m not going to give a response to that.



Robert Hogan said...

My favorite stories have been the ones about writers walking the picket lines all day, and then running into the moguls they are picketing when they both pick up their kids from the same private schools. Bet you would never see that happen during an auto worker's strike or a teamsters strike.

Jallad Productions said...

I know! They would never want us to think they make any money. The publicists are working harder than anyone now that this has happened.


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