Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It Never Stops Ringing

Thanksgiving comes once a year but the phone never stops. I couldn’t imagine how this business was run without cell phones. My direct cell phone number goes out to very few people. When my phone rings, it’s either Friend telling me the status of one of the movies on our roster, one of my old law school buddies calling to make fun of me, an old fraternity brother with an update, someone extremely important that my assistant gave my number out to, my assistant calling to ask if a person is important enough to give my number out, or someone calling with the best news I’ve heard that day. My assistant gets to decide if something qualifies as the best news that I’ve heard that day, and then she gives my number out. If something comes along later in the day that is even better news and she’s already given my number out then she’s fired. I’m kidding.

So, if my cell phone rings, it’s probably always important enough to answer it. I’ve got another cell phone that is not always important enough to answer. Those calls come from people at the studio and other people around town. It always comes in second if both phones are ringing at once, and believe me…it happens. Thanksgiving is work day for me just like any other. I keep my phone in my pocket because it never goes on my belt.

The other phone sits it my jacket pocket because it can be left behind if by some reason I have to flee my jacket. Every number I own is in that phone which sinks up to my Macbook Pro. Someone trying to make it in the business would give their life for that phone directory. Last Thanksgiving, I got the call that Johnny Depp had signed on to the “based on a book” movie. We gave him the script one week before hand and made the offer two days before Thanksgiving. He talked it over with his family and called me personally to accept the offer. This Thanksgiving is no different because we’ve got three pending offers out that are waiting to be accepted. Steve Carell has been offered a part in a new comedy we’ve got coming up. Seth Rogan has been offered a part as a supporting actor in a new Sci-Fi comedy the studio is working on, and we’re in talks with Zach Braff to direct a dramedy that’s set to begin production next fall.

Three for three would make a nice Holiday. So would an ending to the damn strike that’s got this town in a frenzy. Although, it has given me some time to make repairs around the house. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, and I hope your holiday is as great as mine could possibly be. I just hope my pocket vibrates tomorrow.


1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get a real phone and ditch the Tracfone haha... one day, one day

Happy Triptyphan Day


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