Friday, November 9, 2007


I think I had always planned on being famous. I used to practice my signature all the time. This started in high school and just turned into an OCD thing over the years. Every time I had something to write with and something else to write on, my signature was sure to follow. Checks were my favorite, but I only got to sign one of those at the beginning of every month. The only thing I needed to write checks for in college was rent. Now I write them almost non-stop. Well, I have someone write them for me, which is almost the same thing. Only now, my assistant has one of those self-inking stamps with my signature on it, and he just slams it down upon my approval. I remember when I had that thing made; I must have signed my name a hundred times trying to get the perfect one for the template.

That’s something I’ve yet to see with a celebrity. I can picture it though, and I laugh when I do. Imagine Justin Timberlake out shopping when he is spotted by a crowd of fans…. all wanting autographs. Timberlake, who is in hurry but still wants to please his admirers, pulls out a self-inking signature stamper and goes to town on them. He makes it through the entire group in under a minute and is back on his way. As practical as that seems, it would never happen. At least not for Justin. He’s way too famous to go out in public like that. He has to have people do his shopping for him. I often wonder how he likes not being able to go out like a normal person. I’m sure at first it might be neat to watch people go ape shit at the very sight of you, but after a while I think it would have to suck.

I’m content with my level of fame. Since I spend all of my time on the other side of the camera, it’s possible for people to not know who I am. I’m fine with that because not only do I make more money than the people in front of the camera, but I get to do something I thoroughly enjoy with a certain level of anonymity. Which is great for me, because I can still have fans that appreciate my work without sacrificing my love for going to the grocery store. I may not be able to dance as well as Timberlake, but at least I can buy my Nutella in peace.


1 Comment:

Emily Blake said...

As a high school teacher I sign my name literally twenty times a day. notes to the office and such. But I don't use my real name for writing. Sometimes I forget what my name is and sign my teacher note signing signature instead of my writer signature. Also my note signature is just my last name. It gets very confusing and people look at me like I'm an idiot who doesn't know her own name. I need a stamp too.


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