Tuesday, November 27, 2007

At Home Entertainment

Friend is far more into Television than I am, but I do have a few shows I watch on a regular basis. I used to be more into TV when I was younger and had no life. Then, I could schedule my “life” around the shows I liked watching. Now, I am way too busy to even remember what days of the week the shows I like come on. I high five the very idea of being able to watch any TV show online whenever I want. Tivo is great… I think. I got it back when it first came out, and still haven’t learned how to use it. It can’t be that hard, my parents can use it… and they’re old. The truth is I never really watch TV at home. I have a screening room that damn near puts the Arclight to shame, and I really use it only for films. I rely on my down time at the office to catch up on the TV shows. This is where that Internet awesomeness I was referring to earlier comes into play.

As far as the shows I like to watch are concerned, this is the first week for me that the strike has actually had an effect. I was bitch slapped with reruns all week. I was wondering when it was going to happen, and I guess now is the time. It will be different for each show I’m sure. But when all my shows are on reruns I will become very unhappy. So far I have lost “The Office,” “Big Shots,” and “My Name is Earl.” I still have “House” which is my favorite of all of them, but I have a feeling it will be out of pre-strike stock episodes really soon.

I guess we’ll see. Friend will probably post more about the strike tomorrow, because he has been keeping up with it more on a business level, and they are supposed to be squashing that shit within the week. I have just tried to care as little as possible. I would prefer “House” to not go to reruns, but I really wont become as upset I said earlier. I lied. I’m a pussy and an only child. I have spent my entire life entertaining myself. I don’t need a television program to fill my down time. I can always resort to the things I did when I was kid to fill the void left by my lack of a brother or sister. I might even get a camera crew in here and try to sell it as a reality show. Who wouldn’t want to watch the head of a major studio build a house of cards, while juggling and solving a Rubix Cube at the same time?




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