Monday, December 3, 2007

American Gladiators

That’s right boys and girls. If you haven’t heard by now, they are bringing back one of the greatest shows of all time: American Gladiators. The correct response to information as wonderful as that is: very intense smiling, instant reminiscing, and maybe even a little pant wetting. Please take a few moments to do those things.

Ok, as excited as you all probably are, Friend and I are even more excited. They sent the studio five VIP tickets to the Live Taping of the very first show. Friend and I obviously had first dibbs on the tickets. He took 3 of the 5 so that he could bring along his wife and his assistant. I grabbed the fourth for myself and just ripped up the last ticket so that no one would sit next to me. I like my personal space.

We’ve actually known about this for a while now, and I apologize for not posting on the subject sooner. The show tapes this Wednesday. I probably should have held out until afterwards to talk about it. But, if don’t get around to it, be sure to check out the show when it airs on Sunday January 6th. Click here for more information.

So, in the spirit of the Gladiators starting back up, Friend and I decided to display our childhood love for the show around the office. We thought about setting up a Joust in the break room, but taking someone down in the Joust would only be fun if everyone was around watching you. We didn’t want to create widespread unproductively, so we decided to do something a little more low-key.

Do you remember that badass, semi-automatic gun that the Gladiators would use to shoot tennis balls at the competitors? Yeah, Friend and I had one of those custom built and mounted on the top of Sound Stage B. All week, we’ve just stayed up there making anonymous calls to the mailroom. We send these kids out all over the lot on miscellaneous errands. As soon as they turn the corner where we can see them, we fucking wax their ass with fuzzy green balls. Yeah, it's as awesome as you might think. Especially if you used to watch the show and imagine how awesome it would be to have one of those guns.

There are still 22 days left until Christmas. Plenty of time to move that gun up to the top of your wish list. Key word in that last sentence was “wish.” Even Santa won’t be able to deliver on that kind of a present request. I checked. There are only two of those guns in existence today. One is on the Set of American Gladiators, and the other one belongs to us. Suck it.




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