Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Music Videos

Music Videos are an amazing form of art that combines two things I am extremely passionate about: Music and Film. I’ve directed a hand full of music videos in my day, and still will consider it if something mind-blowing should present itself. Sadly, I haven’t seen a good treatment attached to a good song in a while.

I feel like a lot of people have given up on music videos. They used to be an awesome outlet for CD promotion, and overall band recognition, but it seems is if they are falling off the face by the day. MTV figured out that they could make more money off of hooking an audience to a series of bullshit reality shows than to play actual music videos at any time.

It’s true though; Music Videos are a hard sell. Not many people are willing to sit and watch hours of music vids. They can’t hold interest because of the need to appeal to several genres at once. If a particular viewer isn’t into rap, they are going to flip around while the Soulja Boi video is playing. That wouldn’t be so horrible if MTV could guarantee that the viewer would come right back to see the next video, but they cant.

I remember a day when people would watch MTV all day long just for the chance to catch the Michael Jackson – “Thriller” video from the beginning. I wish it would go back to that: Fans sitting around waiting to see their favorite band’s video. It’s cheaper than a movie, you can talk to your friends while you wait, and you get to listen to good music videos in the mean time. Sounds like a win win…win.

If it weren’t for Youtube, I would never see current music videos. This does of course eliminate the waiting process, but for what sacrifice? I have to watch it in a little 3-inch box on my computer screen instead of on my new Panasonic 103-inch plasma. (If you have 70K to spare, I recommend the hell out of this TV.)

Since MTV wont play em, I’m going to pay homage to some music videos in an art form that never seizes to put a smile on my face: Artist who learn their entire song in reverse. This always makes for an interesting playback in the right direction, and leaves everyone else wondering how the hell they were able to match up their mouth movement with the lyrics. Sorry, I just gave away the secret. Enjoy.

Coldplay - "The Scientist"

Jack Johnson - "Sitting, Waiting, Wishing"

Mute Math - "Typical"




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