Thursday, December 20, 2007

Seasons Greetings

Friends and Fellow bloggers,

Friend and I are home for the holidays, and will be here for a few days to spend some time with our fam’s. We will be departing for our annual holiday trip to the big apple at the end of the week. As I typed that I just realized how much I hate it when people refer to NYC as “The Big Apple.” I hate it almost as much as I hate when someone says “Mornin’ Sunshine!” Congradja-fucking-lations, you woke up before me. I’m still on LA time, which means your 8am is my 5am, and I don’t want to be up at 5am. So don’t give me any shit when I wake up at 11. I bought this house, and I will sleep in it as long as I want.

Anyways, back to business. Blog business that is. As a result of the Holiday Season, Friend and I will be away from our computers a lot, so we might not be posting daily as usual. iPhones might be used to relay interesting encounters, but that’s about it.

We set three very important production employee ground rules when we started studio X.
1. Everyone gets paid on Friday.
2. Crew will always have good food to eat on set.
3. Everyone will have the holiday off to spend with their families.

So, even though we aren’t paying you or feeding you for reading our blog, we are asking you to take rule number three into consideration. Spend some time with your familes and check back with us after the holidays. We’ll be here when you return, we promise. Now for some late night talk show reruns…..




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